Bharatiya Global Infomedia Ltd Oshiwara, Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • automatic vehicle management system

    automatic vehicle management system

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    Automatic vehicle counter-cum-classifier system refers to the various components and processes of the toll collection system with which the toll equipment is able to determine the configuration of the vehicle for the purpose of charging the appropriate toll to the user. Also, AVCCs are increasingly being used for permanent data collection andor traffic monitoring. An AVCC system consists of sensor devices installed in a lane to record the physical characteristics of vehicles and a processing unit to aggregate the input from the various sensor devices and interpret this input to assign a class to each vehicle passing through the lane.

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  • lighting management system

    lighting management system

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  • Communication Controllers

    Communication Controllers

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  • Ticket Dispensing System

    Ticket Dispensing System

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Bharatiya Global Infomedia Ltd

  • Dharmendra Tambe
  • B-504, Morya House, New Link Road, Behind Crystal Plaza, Oshiwara Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053, Maharashtra

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