saikapyar Mohali, Punjab

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    “ Blessing of Baba” is the driving force in our lives. Started with baby steps and now with the support of many like minded people we are running two schools for underprivileged children. Being associated with them for more than ten years, we followed series of steps to convince them about education and its importance. In that string, we are making them to connect with this hi-tech world. The chosen children from the schools are being taught with computer skills at ,the organization started for this divine work. The main purpose is to make them socially aware to get respectable jobs and refined status in the society. Baba is making this journey a success in the right direction and for the right people. We bow to Baba’s feet more and more when we see them smiling little brighter.

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  • donate gifts to needy people

    donate gifts to needy people

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    “ Blessing of Baba” is the driving force in our lives. Started with baby steps and now with the support of many like minded people we are running two schools for underprivileged children. Being associated with them for more than ten years, we followed series of steps to convince them about education and its importance

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  • Saikapyar
  • Bhago Majra village and Manik Majra village mohali, Punjab