Satish Enterprise Digvijay Plot, Jamnagar, Gujarat

  • Split Bolt Line Tap

    Split Bolt Line Tap

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    Split bolt line tap electrical Brass Split bolts from Jamnagar state of India. These line taps Split bolts connectors are idea for connecting Copper to Copper cables and earthing grounding conductors. These are used for high voltage overhead line electrical wiring as well.

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  • Split Bolt Connector

    Split Bolt Connector

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    Split Bolt Connector to our customers, which is manufactured using a combination of premium grade raw material and the latest technology. With the valuable assistance of skilled team of professionals, we are engaged in offering an extensive range of high-quality Joint Split Bolt Connector.

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Satish Enterprise

  • Satish Enterprise
  • “Ohav Nivas” 6 – Krishna Colony, . ., Digvijay Plot, Jamnagar, Gujarat