What are local business reviews or customer reviews on IndianYellowPages?
Local business reviews on Indian Yellow Pages are reviews posted by consumers. A local business review is the experience of other consumers that have utilized services/products by businesses listed with IYP directory. Through these reviews, a business can improvise its services/products as per the feedback.
Is there any policy to take down explicit online business reviews on IndianYellowPages?
An online business review helps in selecting the right service provider/company by others looking for similar services enlisted on IndianYellowPages. We do have a policy wherein online business reviews having vulgarity are removed within 24 hours. It is ensured that all user reviews on online business are sober.
Where are IndianYellowPages classified reviews displayed?
All classified reviews and customer reviews on IndianYellowPages are displayed beneath the section of the service provider/company name. You can easily check all classified reviews and customer reviews by searching the company name in the search bar or entering its location. Those details will take you to the page where you can see all details along with reviews of the company.
What are the steps to Write a Review for an online Business at IndianYellowPages.com?
When consumers write review for online business, it directly helps the business and other consumers. The steps to a review for an online business are quite simple. You can search the company name in the search bar and select from the options displayed. Next, select the company and write review for local business.
Can I get a quote from a company apart from posting reviews? If yes, then how?
Apart from reviewing Online Business Recommendations on IndianYellowPages, you can also get a quote from a company/service provider. To get a quote from a local business recommendation, you simply require filling basic details in Request Quote form on the same page
Do User Reviews on Local Businesses help business owners to improve services?
IndianYellowPages is reliable Yellow Pages in India. User reviews on local businesses, associated with IndianYellowPages, hold significant importance. Every business review posted by a consumer on the website helps the business to understand the feedback and improve their services.
What are local business recommendations on IndianYellowPages?
Local business recommendations on IndianYellowPages are suggestions for consumers. These suggestions usually contain the names of service providers/companies offering the same products/services as per your search.
Are Indian Yellow Pages Reviews authentic?
Yes. Indian Yellow Pages reviews are authentic because they are posted by consumers. For the verification, individuals posting reviews for a company/service provider require to submit their contact details for a confirmation call/SMS.
What categories can I find on IndiaYellowPages.Com Reviews page?
There are multiple categories like automobile, computer & internet, cosmetics & personal care, health & beauty, consumer electronics, industrial machinery, hospital & diagnosis supplies, toys & games etc., on IndianYellowPages reviews section. Numerous companies working in these industries can be found on IndianYellowPages directory.