Assam Horticultue Nursery p Hojai, Assam

  • Agarwood Plant

    Agarwood Plant

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    scientific name : "aquilaria agallocha roxb". agarwood, also known as oud, oodh or agar, is a dark resinous heartwood that forms in aquilaria and gyrinops[1] trees.agarwood's use as a medicinal product. agarwood though it is native to the south east asia, its demand spreads all over the world.agar palnt prefer high humid,sub tropical climate with rainfall 1800-3500mm per grows from sea level upto 500m is a sun-loving plant and requires lot of prefers well drained deep sandy be grown in marginal soils and aslo in shallow soils over rocky beds with craks and grows well in hill slopes and forest environment.planting should be done when the plants have the greatest chance of survival.the best time is during the rainy season.

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Contact Information

Assam Horticultue Nursery P

  • Arian Hussain
  • Guwahati, Hojai, Assam