icon medical coding institute Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Telangana

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  • ICON Medical Coding Institute

    ICON Medical Coding Institute

    20,000 - 30,000 Per 1

    State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: ICON Medical Coding Institute, tucked away in the centre of Hyderabad, with state-of-the-art facilities that are intended to give students a comfortable learning environment. The campus has state-of-the-art computer labs furnished with the newest software, well-appointed classrooms, a library, and areas set aside for hands-on training. The infrastructure of the institute is designed to improve learning and get students ready for issues they will face in the real world.       The institute also places a strong emphasis on technology integration tools. Students can have access to online resources, e-learning, and tools that simulate real coding scenarios. This hands-on approach not only reinforces classroom learning but also hones the practical skills that are vital in the field of medical coding.       Comprehensive Curriculum: At the core of ICON Medical Coding Institute success is its comprehensive and industry-aligned curriculum. The institute offers a range of programs, from foundational courses to advanced certifications, catering to students at different stages of their career paths in the medical coding. Whether someone is just starting or looking to upgrade their skills, there is a program at ICON Medical Coding Institute to suit their needs in the healthcare.       The curriculum is designed in collaboration with industry experts and follows international coding standards. Students are exposed to diverse topics such as anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, ICD coding, CPT coding, and healthcare compliance. Hands-on training is an integral part of the curriculum, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. Additionally, guest lectures and workshops by industry professionals provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.       Expert Faculty: Central to the success of any educational institution is its faculty, and ICON Medical Coding takes pride in its team of expert educators. The faculty members at ICON are not just teachers; they are seasoned professionals with years of experience in the healthcare and coding domains. Their blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights enriches the learning experience for students, giving them a holistic understanding of the subject matter.       Moreover, the faculty at ICON Medical Coding Institute are not just mentors in the classroom; they serve as guides and career counselors for students. They are invested in the success of each individual, offering personalized attention and support everyday. This mentorship extends beyond graduation, as alumni often seek guidance from their former teachers as they navigate their careers in medical coding industry.       Industry Partnerships and Placement Assistance: ICON Medical Coding Institute understands the importance of filling the gap between education and employment in the medical coding. To this end, the institute has forged strong partnerships with leading healthcare organizations and coding firms. These partnerships not only enrich the learning experience through internships and industry projects but also open doors to job opportunities for graduates.       The ICON Medical Coding institute's placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with prospective employers. Mock interviews, resume workshops, and career counseling sessions are regularly conducted to prepare students for the job market. As a result of these efforts, ICON Medical Coding Institute boasts an impressive placement record, with a high percentage of students securing lucrative positions in reputed MNC Companies.       Community Engagement and Continuing Education: Beyond academics, ICON Medical Coding Institute is committed to giving back to the community and promoting lifelong learning. The institute regularly organizes health camps, awareness programs, and workshops for the public. These initiatives not only benefit the community but also provide students with valuable pract

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Icon Medical Coding Institute

  • Icon Medical Coding Institute
  • #801, 2nd Floor, Elephant House, Metro Pillar No: C1450, Near Ameerpet Metro Station, Ameerpet 'x' Roads, Hyderabad, Telangana

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