Acne Treatment Services in Mg Road, Mumbai

(4 service providers available)
  • acne treatment services

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    Aloevera removes excess oil from the #skin which causes #pimples and #acne.It has anti – bacterial, antiseptic and anti – inflammatory properties that prevents the bacteria to accumulate on the skin. Apply aloe vera gel twice daily to see the results in just few days. Not only will your #acne_scars will diminish but also your skin will start glowing and will become tighter.


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    Acne treatments aren't one-size-fits-all. It is a common condition characterized by obstructed sebaceous glands, pimples and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Acne begins in adolescence and usually affects most teenagers at some time. However, adults too can suffer with acne.

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  • Acne Vulgaris Treatment Services

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    Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a skin disease that occurs when sebaceous glands are clogged with dead skin cells lining the pores combined with excess secreted sebum/oil from the skin leading to greasy skin & comedones (black & whiteheads). These blocked pores full of excess sebum provide a great thriving environment for acne bacterium, P.acnes leading to inflammation of the skin, pimples, pustules and possible scarring we associate with acne. Acne is particularly common among adolescents due to hormonal changes, though some people have acne that lasts into adulthood. Acne may be classified as mild, moderate or severe nodulocystic & treatment depends on the severity of a condition. In severe grades of acne, it is worthwhile ruling out the association of underlying PCOD. In order to prevent disfiguring scars treatment of early acne is recommended.

  • Anti Acne Peels

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    Anti Acne Peels, Fat Transfer Treatment Service, Scar Treatment

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