Coconut Husk Chips
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Coconut husk is the outer layer of the coconut fruit, consisting of long fibers and sponge-like pith particles. In nature, the husk protects the inner germinating seed by resisting excess saturation and salt. The husk, which naturally helps the coconut stay afl oat in water, also stays uniformly moist and does not rot. With diminishing sources of quality tree bark, the unique properties of Sai Coconut Husk Chips make it a superior alternative to barkbased growing medium. Currently, many orchid and cut-flower growers are successfully using coconut husk chips instead of bark, fi nding it has signifi cant advantages in terms of quality, consistency, and even lower production costs. Advantages: Lasts longer than bark with no degradation (5 plus years) Very clean, uniform and no wastage Wet coconut husk chips hold water and air like a sponge Excellent drainage, high cation exchange capacity (CEC) Cuts down fertilizer application up to 30% Prevents stress after repotting Neutral pH and innate buffering capacity Resists fungal growth 100% natural and renewable resource
Coconut Chips
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Coconut Chips
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