IFM Global Defence Colony, Delhi

  • portfolio planners

    portfolio planners

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    Portfolio planners help how resources should be managed so as to achieve the financial goals. Financial planning is not a one time exercise; rather it is a continuous process. As a person walks through different phases of life.

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  • Art Portfolio

    Art Portfolio

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    ART Portfolio is a start up ART Boutique that has been born out of IFM's vision to provide value added services for their existing clients. ART Portfolio is a "hub” of artistic endeavors that will bring the best together on the platform .This is not just an Art Gallery in India that will house exciting new works of undiscovered talented artists, this "HUB” will draw the best in the country to showcase their talents in the field of art, sculpture and design. We will be hosting workshops to share education in related fields.

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IFM Global

  • IFM
  • C-287, Defence Colony New Delhi - 110024