Kishore Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. Seema Puri, Delhi

  • Iron Handle for Led Lanterns

    Iron Handle for Led Lanterns

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    We Offer Iron Handle for Led Lanterns. This is the iron handle for led lanterns, this part is used to catch the laltain. So if any inserested parties companies make this item.

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  • Aluminium Nut Inside the Electronic Torch Item

    Aluminium Nut Inside the Electronic Torch Item

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    We Offer Aluminium Nut Inside the Electronic Torch Item. This is the aluminium nut inside the electronic torch item, size-25mm hexa, this is part used to electronic torch, so if any partiescompany interested make this item

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Contact Information

Kishore Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd.

  • Mr.. Ashok Rana
  • New Seema Puri, Delhi