Flower Seeds Dealers in Palda, Indore

(4 products available)
  • Ajwain (Carom Seeds)

    Ajwain (Carom Seeds)

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    Our range of Ajwain Seeds is one of the most essential part of Indian spices family. Known for its freshness, taste and aroma, these seeds are extensively demanded by our clients. Furthermore, when added to different delicacies, it provides a distinct taste to them.

  • Sunflower Seeds

    Sunflower Seeds

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    The fruits of the Sunflower plants are known as Sunflower Seeds. Applying the term “seed” is inappropriate in this case as the Sunflower fruit is actually an achene. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful fat-soluble anti-oxidant. It has anti-inflammatory effects, which help in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin E is also highly effective in reducing the risk of colon cancer and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

  • Best Deals from Flower Seeds

  • bishops seed

    bishops seed

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    bishops seed, nut megs, Laurel, Black Cumin, Nigella Seed, Celery Seed

  • sunflower Seed

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