Super Culture
Aerobic Biocomposting system (Trade name : Super Culture) is a very effective combination of bacterial and fungal species which have been isolated by research team from various biodiversities. These microbes have been selected based on their effectiveness to decompose cellulosic matter to organic compost which is very useful as fertilizer / manure in agriculture. In addition to its benefit in traditional farming it can also be used as organic manure for organic farming. This product is presently used by various sugar factories for aerobic composting of Press mud and distillery spent wash. Our composting system has also been very useful in efficient management of spent wash for sugar factories with distilleries. It is also a very effective product for composting of agricultural waste / residues (all types of dried plants, stems, leaves, stalks, etc) to produce very good quality farm yard manure. Several farmers across India have been using our biocomposting system and have greatly benefited from the savings resulting through its use. Our composting culture system contains carefully isolated bacterial and fungal strains of the following species : Trichoderma resie Aspergillus oryzae Aspergillus niger Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas The above strains have been selected through rigorous selection criteria. Together the above strains produce various cellulytic enzymes such as cellulase, hemicellulase, Pectinase and other enzymes such as amylase, beta-glucanase etc. which are key to the composting of sugar factory press mud and other cellulytic wastes. Also all the above strains are either thermophillic or mesophilic in nature. Hence they are able to withstand the high temperatures (70-80oC) during the composting process. Basic Guidelines For Using Super culture : Super culture can be used to decompose the following wastes : Any plant wastes such as dry leaves, stems, etc generated after harvesting of the crops. Farm yard manure such as cow dung, vermin-compost, press mud etc. City / Municipal waste Any type of organic waste In order to use Super culture effectively the following points must be considered : The waste to be decomposed should be shredded into pieces not more then 2 inch in size. The waste should be spread in windrow/ heap form of approximately 3 ft x 3 ft. The moisture content of the waste should be about 15-35%. Super culture should be uniformly mixed or sprayed on the heaps with turning. After the application of super culture the heap mush be turned periodically in every 3-4 days for effective and fast composting The completion of composting should be judged properly. Usually a fall in temperature to room temperature, absence of any foul ammonia like smell and brown humus like color are common properties to be noted to judge the completion of composting Dosage guidelines For Super culture : For farm yard manure like cow dung etc - 1 Kg per ton For press mud - 1.5-2.0 Kg per ton For plant wastes such as dry leaves, stems, etc - 2-3 Kg per ton For City / Municipal waste - 1-1.5 Kg per ton Please note that the above dosages are only suggestive. The actual optimum dosage of Super culture may vary depending upon the specific properties of the waste material to be composted.
Packaging Size : 5 kg, 10kg, etc
Purity : 99%
Features : No Artificial Flavor
...moresugar zyme powder
We present a special biofertilizer Sugar Enzyme available in the market under the brad name of SugarZyme. Its active ingredient is a very significant symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterium for sugarcane. It was first discovered in high yielding varieties of sugarcane grown in Brazil. As per international research findings up to 40 % biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane is due to this bacterium. It addition to its nitrogen fixation it also secretes useful growth promoting hormones such as Indole Accetic Acid (IAA). Suitable For : Sugarcane crops Directions For Use : Soil Application : Dosage-2kg/acre : Procedure 1 : Mix 2 kg Sugarzyme in 100 Kg farm yard or organic manure or soil and broadcast it over one acre of land. Procedure 2 : Mix 2 Kg of Sugarzyme with 200 liter water and do drenching near the root zone of the plants. Note : For best results do one of the above procedure 2 times with a 30 day interval. Seeding Root Treatment : Mix 1-2 kg of Sugarzyme with 200 liter water. Dip the sugarcane seeds (root) in this mixture for 15 minutes and then plant Advantages : Increases the nitrogen uptake efficiency of sugarcane 5-25% crop yield may be increased Increases sugar content (recovery) of sugarcane Eco-friendly product. Nontoxic to human, animals, plants & Predators of insects. Caution : If conditions are dry, irrigate the land before applications Do not mix with chemical pesticides or insecticides a time of length of application. Store in Cool Place away from Direct Sunlight and heat Composition : Gluconacctobacter diazotrophicus - 1.0% Carrier material - 74.0% Moisture - 25.0% Potency : 1 x 108 CFU / gm (when packd)
Usage/Application : Agriculture
Packaging Size : 25-50 Kg
Packaging Type : HDPE Bag
Form : Powder
...moreSteam Coal
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a reputed organization in the field of liasioning for procurement of precise quality of Coal and its economical movement. For the past three decades, our organization has been standing on the ground of honesty and integrity. We source requisite quantity of Coal from nearest coal field / port and provide our clients in accordance with their specific requirement. For this, we have our branch office at Nagpur and representatives, business associates at many important places like Chandrapur, Wani, Bilaspur, Indore and Katni. We provide Indian Coal from WCL, SECL and imported coal from various ports of India. The steam Coal is offered to clients at desirable sizes and specifications. The Indian origin Coal is available mainly in 20 mm and above up to 250 mm. We offer even Run Of Mine Coal ( R O M ) in the Indigenous variety . The Indonesian origin imported coal normally comes in 0-50 mm and the same coal after screening can be made available in 0-6 mm, 6-25mm, and 25 mm and above Ex-Mumbai. First, we source requisite amount of coal from nearest port or coal field to economize on freight and make the Coal of desired specification available to the clients.
Shape : Lumps
Application : Steaming
Color : Black
Purity : 80%
Ash Content : 40-60%
Moisture : 20%
Purity : 99%
...morepestonil magic bio pesticides
Country of Origin : Made in India
Packaging Type : Plastic Bottle
Packaging Size : 250 Ml
...moreOrganic Micronutrient Growth Promoter
We are pleased to introduce a very unique and miraculous product, Organic Micronutrient Growth Promoter- OMG-777. This simple and unique product is highly potentand can give upto 100% increase in yield, if used as per instructions. The product comes in powder form which is to be dissolved into one liter of water to prepare a concentrated solution Within a week of the first spray the effect is visible. And after the third spray the results are unbelievable. The claims made about the product are not only on paper but practically achieved on the fields by many satisfied farmers. We can assure you that, you will forget all other tonics and growth promoters used so far. This product has given excellent results on all the agricultural crops, vegetables, flowers, fruits etc... It can be can be applied to any crop – either by itself or combined with pesticides.OMG-777 can be applied through drip, drenching or spraying. Advantages of Organic Micronutrient Growth Promoter (OMG-777). 1. Useful for rapid and healthy growth of plants in Agricultulre, Horticulture, Floriculture, Sericulture, Tissue Culture etc. 2. It enhances growth of the plant, increases the flowering, strengthens the roots, prevents yellowing and wilting of plants. 3. It protects the crops from all weather changes and increases yield by 100-200 %. 4. It can be sprayed/used with insecticides, pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. 5. The best results of this are seen in Cutting, Grafting (Kalmi) trees. 6. It has no side effects on the crops or humans, animals and birds. 7. The shelf-life of this product is 10 years as approved by the Government. 8. By using this product your plant can survive for 15-20 days without water. This is especially beneficial in areas of water-shortage. 9. It helps in immediate root-fixing of plants. 10. This product partly works as a Microbicide, Bactericide, Germicide, fungicide etc. and protects the plant from many diseases. 11. The product increases the intensity in the rate of flowering and leafing especially in Tissue culture. 12. Fruits harvested from plants treated by this product have higher preservation properties. Medicinal plants give more alkaloids and flowers give more volatile oils. Method of preparing OMG-777 solution: Powder (Available in sachet) to be mixed with 1 litre of Drinking water. This solution can be used in the ways as directed below: 1. Addsolution to 200 / 250 litre of water which can be used for spraying on the plants as well as drenching the root zone of trees 2. To every hand-spray tank of 16 litre, add 70 to 80 ML of the solution. 3. To every power-spray tank add at least 5 ml of the solution per litre of water. 4. To every hand spray pump of one liter capacity, just add 5 M.L. of OMG and spray on the plants.
Application : Agricultural and Gardening
Grade : Agricultural Grade
Packaging Size : 1gm
Packaging Type : Packet
State : Powder
...morenimark gold bio pesticide
Packaging Size : 250 Ml
Packaging Type : Plastic Bottle
Form : Liquid
...moreNano Silicon Powder
75 % of earth's crust is made of Silicon. It is the most important ingredient in agriculture. Farmers have been using silicon for a long time but our product has been made with Nano Technology. The ordinary silicon is to be used in hundreds of kilos, but this Nano-Silicon is to be used in a fraction of that quantity. Only in one kilo of Nano-Silicon a farmer can treat one acre of area three times by foliar spray. These sprays will help the plant in the following ways: - Root fixation and increasing the root zone; - taking care of fungal problems in roots at early stage; - healthy growth in the initial stage of the plant; and - with subsequent sprays the plant will develop immunity from pest / insect attacks. The farmer can save a lot of expense as using Nano-Silicon means there is no need to use pesticide. Nano-Silicon tremendously helps Photosynthesis process of the plant resulting in excellent metabolism and consequently robust increment in yield of the plant. It has been noted in many cases that by three sprays of Nano-Silicon the production/ yield has increased by up to 70 percent. Spraying Nano-Silicon is a win-win situation for the farmer The advantages are: - Saving on pesticide and Fungicide expenses; - reduces the use of conventional fertilizer by 25-40%; - hassle free growth of the plant; - saving on other plant nutrients; an - attaining a very high yield/ production. This product has been certified by the Government of India for Organic farming.
Usage/Application : Agriculture
Material : Powder
Country of Origin : Made in India
...moreHighly Enriched Fermented Liquid Organic Manure
Our liquid manure provides all the nutrients the crop needs and the cost little less or equals the cost of chemical fertilizer to the farmer. The very important thing is it compensates for the depleted organic carbon in the soil, which is very crucial for Crops and soil. This Organic carbon is truly a bonus as it is not available in chemical fertilizer. This is liquid organic manure. The dose is 60 liters per acre. To be given in three instalments of 20 liters each for any crop / vegetables with crop cycle of approximately 60 to 90 days. It covers total requirement of nutrition for the crop hence no other fertiliser is required to be added. We attach the brochure for your perusal. Liquitonic is an organic fertilizer in liquid form. It is food for the plant, basic nutrient. It has 28 types of elements , it is like complan. It has everything which a plant requires for growth and production . No need to give any fertilizer after giving the proper dose of liquitonic. It is highly enriched fermented organic manure.
State : Liquid
Packaging Size : 5/12/25 Litre Plastic Carbouy
Application : Agriculture
Target Crops : Agriculture, Horticulture and Floriculture
Grade Standard : Bio-Tech Grade
Packaging Type : Bottle
Type : Plant Based
...moreHI-TEK (Granulated Organic Fertilizer)
We are pleased to introduce a highly concentrated HI-TEK (Granulated Organic Fertilizer). Our Granular Organic Fertilizer is made from the mix of Bentonite or Dolomite. Moreover, the Granular Organic Fertilizer offered by us is charged by liquid made from mixing of Humus, Cow urine, Vermiwash, Sea weed Extract, Seaweed and amino acid based trace elements in protein form. The Hi Tek Granular Organic Fertilizers we offer provide all the major nutrients, including N P K in ample quantity and in organic form, to the soil.Advantages : When comes in contact with air, water and soil, becomes highly active and gives very speedy results unlike any other organic fertilizer Do not contain any inorganic or chemical fertilizer, nor any micronutrients or fertilizer in chemical form Highly efficient Encompass essential soil nutrients Provides natural phosphorus in ample quantity Note : 100% W/WDosage :The recommended dosage for this fertilizer is 100kg per acre, at the time of sowing. Second dose of 70-80 kg is to be repeated after 45 days(for agriculture crops). In case of vegetables normally only one dose of 100kg per acre at the time of sowing is sufficient. However, sometimes to attain better yield the farmers apply a second dose of 50-60 kg approximately after 40 days of sowing. In case of horticulture i.e. fruit trees above the age of 5-6 years, require 8-10 kg at least twice in a year
Application : Soil Application
Purity : 100%
Purity : 99%
...moreGranulated Gypsum
Granulated Gypsum processed by our company is important in revitalizing the contents of the soil and enhancing its nature. It makes the soil more porous for proper growth of the plant. Buyers can avail this Granulated Gypsum at market-leading rates. We have an efficient logistics system to ensure timely delivery of this Granulated Gypsum to buyers.Details :Here it has to be particularly noted that our soil conditioner is based on natural gypsum and unlike other products in market based on chemical phosphor-gypsum, it very efficiently mixes with soil and gives very long lasting results, particularly in neutralizing acidity of soil, maintaining porosity, desalination in soil etc. Gypsum granules/ soil conditioner is based on natural gypsum sourced from mines, and no chemical are used. It is in danedar / granular form size 2 to 5mm. The Major Contents are Calcium, Sulfur and Magnesium (In form CaSO4.2H2O). Cao : 18-22% Mgo : 3 to 5% Sulphur : 20 to 22 % Other indegrients include P2O5, fe2o3, nao2, potash, etc The benefits of this soil conditioner are : It provides nutrients to the soil (Ca, Mg,S). It neutralizes the soil from acidic nature. It is neutral in nature and when mixed with soil, it removes the acidity of soil. It increases the porosity of soil and thus better growth of plants. It helps in desalination of soil. Where there is salt in soil and/or water has salt/High TDS, the soil conditioner reacts with salt and removes the chlorides. (refer the desalination program of united nations in Pakistan year 2005) It gives long lasting performance. It mixes with soil and gives result year on year. Here it has to be particularly noted that our soil conditioner is based on natural gypsum and unlike other products in market based on chemical phospho gypsum, it very efficiently mixes with soil and gives very long lasting results, particularly in neutralizing acidity of soil, maintaining porosity, desalination in soil etc.
Type : Gypsum
Packaging Type : Plastic Packet
Color : Brown
Purity : 99%
...morefungicon fungicide
Packaging Size : 250 ML
Brand Name : FUNGICON
Packaging Type : plastic bottle
Form : Liquid
Dosage : 1 to 1.5 ML PER Litre
Biosol-P is a phosphate solublising bio-fertilizer. Phosphorous is a major nutrient for plants inducing vigorous growth and also contributing to their disease resistance. Phosphorous helps in root formation and plant growth. The plants utilize only 10-15% of phosphate applied. The balance 85-90% remains in insoluble form in the soil. Biosol-P has highly efficient phosphate solublising bacteria (Bacillus megatarium) that grow and secrete organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable phosphate into soluble form and make it available to the plants. Thus, the residual phosphate fertilizers in the soil can be well utilized and external application can be optimized.
Packaging Size : 5 kg, 10kg, etc
Features : Highly effective
Purity : 99%
We are prime entity involved in manufacturing, exporting and supplying qualitative range of Biobact fertilizers that are ultimate solution for enriching the nutrient content of the soil. We manufacture these Biobact fertilizers in our laboratory using modern methods to ensure accuracy in composition. We can make available different specifications of these fertilizers at cost-effective rates. Details : Biobact is a nitrogen fixing bio fertilizer. Biobact contains highly efficient nitrogen fixing bacteria of azotobacter species. Azotobacter is free-living non-symbiotic aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria found in rhizosphere zone of many plants. Azotobacter produces a variety of growth promoting substances like Indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellins (GA), Vitamin-B and anti fungal substances. Another important Characteristic of Azotobacter associate with crop improvement is excretion of ammonia in the rhizosphere in presence of root exudate's. It fixes approximately 20-30 kg of biological nitrogen per hector per season. Field Crops: Cotton, Paddy, Wheat, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Potato, Mustard, Cumin, Pulses (Moong, Tuver, Chana), Soyabean, Sugarcane, etc. Fruit Crops : Banana Mango grapes guava sapota pomegranate custard apple Orange Citrus fruits Coconut etc. Vegetable Crops : Tomato chilly, brinjal, onion, lady´s finger etc. Plantation Crops : Coffee tea cardamom Horticulture plants, floriculture medicinal plants Home gardening. Etc. Directions of Use : Soil application dose : 2 Kg. / acre. Procedure 1 : Mix two Kg. BioBact in 100 Kg. Farm yard manure or organic manure or soil and broadcast it over one acre of Land. Procedure 2 : Mix 2 Kg. of BioBact with 200 litres of water and do drenching near the root zone ofd the plants. Seed Treatment: Mix 10 gm of BioBact with water or 5% jaggary solution. Mix 1 Kg. of the seeds with this solution to have a uniform coating on the seeds. Dry the seeds in shade for 30 minutes and sow the treated seeds. Seedling Treatment: Mix 1 Kg. of Biobact with 25 - 30 litres of water. Dip the root [portion of the seedling required for 1 acre in suspension for 5 -10 minutes and then transplant. Product Advantage : Improves seed germination. Fixes 20-30 % nitrogen required by the plants. Reduces usage of inorganic nitrogen by upto 25 %. Benefits the crop by nitrogen fixation and by producing growth promoting substances, fungi static substances. Thrives even in alkaline soil. Eco friendly product, nontoxic to humans, animals, plants & insect predators. Caution : If conditions are dry, irrigate land before application. Do not mix with chemical pesticides or insecticides at the time of application. Store in cool place away from direct sunlight and heat. Composition : Azoto bacter shroococcum : 1.0 %. Carrier material : 74.0 %. Moisture : 25.0 %. Potency : 1x109 CFU /gm when packed.
Application : Agriculture
Cultivation Type : Organic
Packaging Type : Plastic Bag
Standard : Bio Grade
Moisture : 0-10%
Packaging Size : 5 kg, 10kg, etc
...moreBio Organic Manure
Bio Organic Manure is a high quality 100% natural product that enriches the soil and helps in providing you with Healthy Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Crops, Cereals, Plants, and Gardens etc. Across the world, prolonged use of chemical fertilizers has depleted the fertility of the soil & resulted into reduced crop yields & nutrient deficiencies. Farmers, the world over have realized this and are now switching over to Organic Farming Bio-Organic Manure, is the unique answer to your soil health. Humus is the fuel that enhances the soil life. It improves the Biological & Physical properties of the soil & also the growth of beneficial microbes. Improved soil health results to the healthy growth and development of the plants. Bio compost performs this balancing act & helps to reduce dependence on chemical inputs. Bio-Organic Manure is ideal for all types of soils, in all seasons for growing fruits, flowers, vegetables, crops etc. Bio-Organic Manure is ideal for all types of soils, in all seasons for growing fruits, flowers, vegetables, crops etc.
Application : Agriculture
Packaging Type : HDPE Bag
...moreAnti Skid Liquid
Our company is chiefly engrossed in manufacturing high-quality Anti Skid Liquid that is useful in various SlipCare formulas. Our experts formulate it using certified compounds along with modern technology. This Anti Skid Liquid is widely used in hospitals, schools etc. to make the floor slip-free. We can make available this Anti Skid Liquid in different specifications as per buyer’s request. We ensure timely delivery of retail as well as bulk orders. Useful to? SlipCare is highly recommended in houses with old parent's, pregnancy's and young children to prevent any injury due to slippage on wet bathroom, kitchen or any other type of glazed tiles. As it prevents injuries to the back, spine and head as they can become very serious when you fall down on wet floors. Works Best on? Works excellently on most stone (i.e. Granite, Marble, Spartex etc.) and tiled floors (i.e. Ceramic, Enamel, Porcelain, etc) While being most useful for area's like Bathrooms, Lobbies, Schools, Swimming Pools, Fitness Centres, Shopping Centres, Hotels, Restaurants, etc.
Purity : 99%
Form : Liquid
Packaging Size : 5 kg, 10kg, etc
Features : Highly effective
...morealoevera drinking gel
From ancient times the Aloe Vera plant has been widely regarded as master healing plant, the Egyptians referred to Aloe Vera as "PLANT OF IMMORTALITY". The advantages of Aloe Vera include : Detoxifies Your Whole System Strengthens Immune System Regenerates Healthier Cells Pain Relief From Deep Within Antibiotic Properties (* Anti microbial, Anti viral, and Anti fungal ) Anti- Inflammatory, Anti allergenic Keeps Digestive System Clean Dilates Vessels, Increases Blood Flow Maintains Higher level of Energy Soothes Skin Irritations Faster healing from within Provides Many Essential Nutrients Natural Cleanser ( Contains Saponins) Rehydrates the Skin The most important property is that it has no known side effects. We unveil our splendid range of Aloe Vera Products that are natural and high on quality. Aloevera Drinking Gel : Aloevera Drinking Gel contains most of the essential nutrients, minerals, proteins, enzymes that our body requires on a regular basis. Nutritional imbalances in our body can causes various chronic ailments. One of the properties of Aloevera Drinking Gel when consumed regularly is to flush out the toxins and create proper balance in your system. Virus or bacteria can enter any healthy person�s body and start harming the system. One of the properties of Aloe Gel is that it strengthens the immune system. If our immune system is strong, it will be able to flight off the virus or bacteria from within the body, thus preventing many of the viral and bacteria related illnesses. Our Aloe Vera is grown organically. ( No chemicals or pesticides are used). Fresh mature leaves are used in very hygienic conditions. The gel is extracted carefully so the outer rind does not come in the gel. We use the cold processing methods and our Aloevera Drinking Gel is properly stabilized as per the requirements of the FDA. Stabilized Aloe Vera Drinking Gel : Aloe Gel - 99% Added Permissible Food Grade Preservatives - 1% Drinking Aloevera Drinking Gel as a supplement helps in fighting the following ailments such as : Acidity AIDS Allergies Anemia Amoebas Arthritis Asthma High Blood Pressure Burns Blisters Bleeding Gums Blood Infection Boils Bursitis Breathing Problems Bronchitis Cancer Chronic Fatigue Cold Sores Colitis Cholesterol Chronic nose congestion constipation Cramps Muscular pain Cystitis Cysts Clotting Dehydration Detoxification of the liver and kidneys Diabetes Digestive problems Diverticulum Emphysema Fever Gastritis Gall Bladder stone Gout Headaches Heart burn Hepatitis Herpes simplex I, II Hyperactivity Hormone imbalance Insomnia Infectious erythema Insect bites Intestinal Inflammation Kidney stones and infection Lupus erythematosis Multiple sclerosis Measles Mouth sores Mumps Muscular Dysthrophy Nephrites Nicotine Damage Osteoporosis Pancreatitis Parkinsons Phlebities Prostate condition Psoriasis Rheumatic fever Rheumatism Scarlet fever Sciatica Skin infection Tumors Ulcers Tuberculosis Varicose Veins Vaginitis X-ray Scares Yeast infection
Application : Parlour, Personal
Packaging Type : Bottle
Form : Liquid
Ingredient : Herbal
Extraction Type : Solvent Extraction
Purity : 99%
...moreAloevera Application Gel
Aloevera Application Gel processed by us is a single antidote to various ailments like anemia, acidity, blood-infections, boil and many more. Our experts develop Aloevera Application Gel that is pure and accurate in composition. Our Aloevera Application Gel is safe to use. We can make available this Aloevera Application Gel is different size packaging at affordable rates. We take retail as well as bulk orders and deliver them on time.Details : We export aloe vera application gel that is formulated with organically grown aloe Vera and by extracting the gel from the leaves. This gel is applied on minor cuts, bruises and scrapes as it heal quickly. It is also effective on acne prone skin and also heals skin allergies like eczema and psoriasis. Moreover, it flushes out the toxin and balances the body system. The gel also strengthens the immune system and protects the body against virus or bacteria. Features : Accurate composition Pure and natural Precise pH value Drinking aloe Vera gel as a supplement helps in the following ailments : Acidity, Aids, Anemia, Amoebas, Arthritis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Burns, Blisters, Bleeding, Gums, Blood infection, Boils, Bursitis Consumption : Aloe should be consumed at night as it tends to cause a slight case of diarrhea because it causes an initial cleansing of the intestines from bacteria as well as from tiny food particles stuck in the digestive system Description : Aloevera gel is composed of essential nutrients, minerals, proteins, enzymes, which body requires on regular basis. It flushes out the toxins and creates proper balance in the system. Aloevera gel strengthens the immune system, fight against virus or bacteria hence prevents from various illness.
Application : Parlour, Personal
Packaging Type : Bottle
Ingredient : Herbal
Extraction Type : Solvent Extraction
Form : Powder
Color : Brown
Purity : 99%
...moreBio organic fish fertilizer
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