Ozone Generators Dealers in Chinchwad, Pune

(3 products available)
  • Swimming Pool Ozonator

    Swimming Pool Ozonator

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    Swimming is a great exercise, fun & recreational activity accessible to all ages & physical abilities. Swimming pool water gets contaminated by swimmers and environmental pollutants, which are in suspended & dissolved state: Swimming pools water treatment is a very important process to maintain the water quality for safety & hygiene of swimmers. Fundamentally water treatment involves filtration, ozonation & water chemical balance . In filtration, entire pool water is continuously re-circulated through physical filters. Ozonation is the advance & time tested ecological technology for disinfection. Ozonation not only kills all diseases causing bacteria & viruses but also oxidizes harmful impurities & pollutants due to environment & swimmers sweat & urine. Ozonation has a distinct advantage of extremely low generation of disinfectant byproduct. Due to ozonation technique some of the pool associated problems like eye souring, hair fall, teeth bettering, skin rashes are completely eliminated. Also pool water becomes highly safe & hygienic for the swimmers. It is strongly recommended to use ozonation for private & public swimming pools. In most of countries & local municipalities use of chlorine is ban & ozonation is made mandatory.

  • Portable Ozonators

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    Portable Ozonators, Activated Sludge Aeration Tank

  • Best Deals from Ozone Generators

  • Ozone Generators

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    Ozone Generators, carbon dioxide sensors, voc sensors, o3 sensors

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